Thrifting: A way to reduce, reuse and repurpose
Evidence of my new hobby can be found all around my house. Hanging on my walls and in my closet. In my...
The downward spiral of desensitization
I was on Tiktok recently, scrolling through my feed, when I came across a video of the...
Shocked to see those three numbers on the scale
Maybe it was the extra peanut butter at dinner time or perhaps it was the weekly — or occasionally twice a week...
Baddabing — you’ve been LSSU-banished
January is what it is — a time to re-start, yet a time to look back. So...
Angelkeep hawk ID just got harder
Hawks have made it to the pages of Angelkeep Journals on previous occasions. Typically, when one appeared, it included an event that...
Humor helps, even in the darkest times
Last week, my brother-in-law Dustin called me. I knew something was wrong as he never calls me...
Celebrating the New Year outdoors in Arizona
Starting the New Year by spending a few days in the desert surrounded by mountains and cacti is always one of my...
The property tax puzzle is back in the news
It’s a curious thing. And puzzling. Property taxes are back in the news.
A proposal to freeze property taxes...
A new or old Angelkeep feathered friend?
“What’s that bird?” asked a visiting family member usually so in tune with nature that he was typically one to go to...
Mom was a helper. And a nurse. Same thing.
Mom was one of those people who helped. You know when Mr. Rodgers said, “When I was...