She was an agent of change. And that’s a good thing.

Mick Cupp was the local United Way chairman in 1999. The board was looking for a new executive director. Pamela Beckford remembers...

It wasn’t all just about the flood 20 years ago

Thumbing through 20-year-old copies of the News-Banner the past few weeks, researching the “Great Flood of 2003” for our series of articles,...

Healthier, happier and safer in 2023 with man’s best friend

As I sit down to write this week’s column, there’s a 2-year-old golden retriever sitting across from...

Angelkeep hawk ID just got harder

Hawks have made it to the pages of Angelkeep Journals on previous occasions. Typically, when one appeared, it included an event that...

Honoring a remarkable loss for a remarkable family

If you are not a first-time visitor to this Saturday spot, you have likely heard this before: What I’ve enjoyed most in...

Making time to unplug every day is healthy

I was scrolling through one of the news feeds I follow on my phone last weekend when I discovered that I should...

Patience is not known to be one of my virtues

Martin Luther King, Jr., reminded us that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” So we...

Learning a bit of patience from an ‘old dog’

Whoever said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks must not have spent enough time around a Bernese mountain dog. 

Let me introduce you to someone headed this way

Cal Thomas has a sense of humor. If you read a few of his syndicated columns, it...

Thankful for new and old technology this holiday season

The temperature outside doesn’t feel like Christmas is just a month away — a blessing that I’m...