Choose to spread joy today and every day

Full of life. Kind. Joyful until the end. Doug Brown used those lovely words in this space two Saturdays...

Granddogs, veterans and community treasures

Three mid-July mini-lessons. ——— We have been granddog-sitting this week. “Hoosier”...

The PTS — Property Tax Saga — picks up on a TIF

The last time I wrote about property taxes, which was in August, a “delusion of being finished”...

Navigating the culture wars: Who has the playbook?

I’ve been struggling with this — betting you have, too. So I found it heartening to read this sentence in a commentary...

Adventures from the parking lots of Indiana and America

There is a series of videos on YouTube about the Cart Narcs. These are people who chase...

Angelkeep ‘rap sheet’ for 2023 past

Angelkeep received an Easter, Autumn, several Christmas, and a couple New Year’s Letters. We like the reads. A “catch up” time. Most...

Angel Keep Journals: Black walnut blossoms and nuts and nut lovers

It appears some nut lovers are busy looking for the finest trees, the choicest limbs, and probably marking them in some way...

Embellishing on my thanks of being thankful

While I am thankful I get sentimental about this time each year, I can get a bit...

A cursed prognosticator takes a swing

A number of years ago, a good friend and I were commiserating, perhaps over a brew or two, about how to advance...

Celebrating the New Year outdoors in Arizona

Starting the New Year by spending a few days in the desert surrounded by mountains and cacti is always one of my...