Angelkeep Valentine, bee mine

Valentine’s Day fast approaches again. Preliminary plans on the part of this Angelkeep Journals’ writer prevail once...

Reflecting on Jessica’s last day

As I write this...

Can anything be done to stabilize residential property tax bills?

Here we go. It’s budget time. Local government officials will be making decisions the...

The Stephanie conundrum

A friend and former co-worker passed away last week. Her name was Stephanie. She...

A puzzle: How can one be both pro-life and pro-death?

Been stewing about this for a couple weeks. It is a bit outside of my comfort zone...

Finally, perhaps some final taxing thoughts … at least for this year

Well.  It is presumed that if you’re reading this, you have at least glanced...

Words of affirmation

Thursday morning I spent some time with our now-retired United Way director, Pamela Beckford. As the current board chair, she and I...

Learning a bit of patience from an ‘old dog’

Whoever said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks must not have spent enough time around a Bernese mountain dog. 

Angelkeep Journals: Summer’s first full day, and who to expect

A hearty warm summer welcome from Angelkeep. In case you missed it, yesterday summer began, but today became the first full day...