Does your body hate you like mine hates me?

Trust me when I declare that I am not competing for sympathy against folks suffering from cancer,...

A most uncommon common butterfly

Someone called it common. Duh!  Hours of research proved it uncommon. Difficult to fully...

I promise: I will not wait too long. I will not wait too long.

As a species, I believe humans have a default mode of “I’ll do it later.” Whatever “it”...

To boldly go where this man has not gone before

This week’s Saturday entry is way outside my comfort zone — perhaps even a different universe. For...

What happened at Roswell 75 years ago?

The front page of the July 8, 1947 “Roswell (New Mexico) Daily Record” seized the American imagination...

Moving with the times

The older some people got, history becomes more important.  Older people reminisced about “the...

A perfect storm leads to a perfect moment

It’s funny the things you think about when you’re exhausted. As I write this...

UCLA and USC in the Big Ten: Flunking college geography

So when I heard that the University of California at Los Angeles and the University of Southern...

Developing news on developments

While putting our annual “Who We Are” edition together the past few weeks — a duty I’ve...

Walnuts then, now and future

Angelkeep has two mature walnut trees of sufficient age and stature to produce nuts. It’s a dirty,...