Saturday, March 8, 2025

More electrifying thoughts you ‘auto’ read

The internet has changed how American businesses operate, none so much as the news business, we tend to believe around here at...

Remembering some things ­ and forgetting some others

Our church has a men’s prayer breakfast on the last Saturday of each month. Last Saturday, I remembered to go.

My buddy Bryce graduated, and I want you to know him

By RYAN WALKER Bryce Lippe (left) poses in his cap and gown following the 9 a.m. Huntington University...

Nostalgic and modern puzzles to solve

We all have different ways of reacting to how the world is changing, which makes nostalgia a pretty popular diversion.

Angelkeep Journals: ‘Timely’ is next to ‘godly’ in newspaper-speak

After nearly 17 years since Angelkeep Journals’ debut in The News-Banner, most would think writing it would become routine. “Blehhz” blasts the...

Applying ‘caveat emptor’ to a growing problem

As I was packing up to head home from school one night last week, I heard my cell phone vibrate on my...

The costs of keeping our students safe

It is hard to imagine a more poignant “sign-of-the-times” development than what came out of Monday night’s meeting of the Bluffton Harrison...

Court Docket update (we miss it too)

I appreciate the calls and questions we’ve received about the Court Docket. You may have noticed that we have stopped printing court...

Angelkeep Journals: It’s a ‘tad’ more than spring

Officially today marks the end of the first month of 2023 spring. Spring first month’s weather defines Hoosier Spring. Sun, snow, ice,...

Learning a bit of patience from an ‘old dog’

Whoever said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks must not have spent enough time around a Bernese mountain dog.