What does a four-letter word have to do with the pandemic?

It was just two years ago that my family and I were returning home from a western...

No baseball? It’s looking like a cruel summer awaits

I write a column as part of my responsibilities here at the News-Banner, and as I’ve noted,...

What does a four-letter word have to do with tourism?

There are four-letter words in this world that do not have four letters. There are some, indeed,...

The bell has tolled for 2021

“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a...

A little spray paint brings life into an old filing cabinet

I push and pull the block of sandpaper back and forth across the surface of the old...

Anniversary celebration on a refrigerated Indiana toboggan run

How do you best celebrate your second anniversary, especially when it falls on the first day of...

A calendar reminds me of stuff, like driving an Olds 442

So I’m sitting at my desk at 125 N. Johnson St. in Bluffton and I’m looking at...