Seams between seasons
While there may not be proper snow on the ground (yet), winter is here.
A timeless lesson from old Fezziwig about spreading joy
As we walked into the Indiana Repertory Theatre, a few glowing lanterns were shining just enough to create some shadows on the...
As Christmas draws nearer, the birth of the Christ child properly takes center stage
Today is Dec. 19 — six days before Christmas. Somebody wrote something that popped up in my email, saying one in every...
Finally, perhaps some final taxing thoughts … at least for this year
It is presumed that if you’re reading this, you have at least glanced...
Still searching for the Christmas spirit
It has been tough to get into the Christmas spirit this year.
I’ve had...
Angelkeep: A Ho, Ho, Ho, welcome to a jolly old Red
Angelkeep Journals intended to make December a Christmas series. While unboxing old holiday décor, the aging brown of some of the items,...
It’s time for Major League Baseball to have a salary cap
Ryan Walker
Baseball, unlike other professional sports, has a major competitive balance issue.
For example,...
Vampire or night owl? A preschooler’s perspective.
Carrie Penrod
My nephew thinks I’m a vampire.
For those of you following along, Whitley,...
Bah humbug to going goblin in 2022 or beyond
It doesn’t take much to put me in the Christmas spirit as we get closer to Dec. 25, but there is one...
Christmas is too much, perhaps, but it’s still good
Christmas reminds me of the Bluffton Free Street Fair.
Before the anti-BFSF crowd descends on 125 N. Johnson St....