Ossian is moving ahead with a recommendation for a two-phase upgrade of the town’s sewer collection system at an estimated cost of $5.4 million for both phases.

Josh Barkley, president of the Ossian Town Council, signs documents related to the sewer improvement project as Jim Breckler of Engineering Services looks on. (Photo by Dave Schultz)

Jim Breckler of Engineering Resources walked the four council members present ­­— Josh Barkley, Brad Pursley, Dennis Ealing, and Stephanie Tucker ­— through six alternatives. The two-phase alternative was recommended as the best for the town, and the vote to accept that recommendation was 4-0.

The council was under a deadline of Friday, March 31, to submit the plans to the Indiana Finance Authority’s State Revolving Loan Fund.

What was approved Monday was the preliminary engineering plan for the system upgrade, and that is what Breckler’s firm must submit by Friday.

Jeff Rowe and Scott Hadler of the BakerTilly municipal finance firm were on hand to explain the finances, and it appears that the two phases will result in a 22.3 percent increase in sewer rates.

The projects ­— this year and in 2027 ­— are needed because the town’s two lift stations are antiquated, at least in terms of two residential developments now under way — one unnamed project on the town’s north side and the Crosswinds Lakes project on the southeast side of the town.

The East Mill Street lift station was constructed in 1964 and rehabilitated in 2008 and the Davis Road lift station was constructed in 1989 and rehabilitated in 2998.

The town may be eligible to receive grants from the SRF, particularly if septic system removals are included.

A public hearing on the upgrades will be held during the council’s April 10 meeting. That meeting will be held at the First Baptist Church of Ossian, 1001 Dehner Drive.

The council also approved a second pay application from API Construction Corp. for water improvements on Hickory Lane and Shady Lane. The amount requested was $147,543.28.