As I write this column I am very happy to be back in my home that has electricity. I am on Indiana-Michigan Electric and some in Zanesville are on REMC. My lights went out at the beginning of the storm on Monday the 13th so I packed up paper work and went down to spend the day at the Lions Clubhouse on Tuesday morning as the power was not expected to come on until Thursday. I checked the house Tuesday evening about 10 and “thank God” I had lights! Zanesville was spared as the terrific winds sort of skirted around us. There were no signs down at the park and maybe a few limbs over the town. However the temperature reached 100 degrees!

I have on my schedule that the Midwest Aces 13U will be taking on the Decatur Braves on Tuesday, June 21, at 6 p.m. They will be practicing on Wednesday, June 22, and Thursday, June 23. This team can be seen at the Zanesville Lions Club Park.

Coming up in just a few weeks is the Zanesville Lions Summer Festival. The date is Saturday, July 30. You can get what’s going on on our Facebook page or by contacting me at 638-4327. I order to have a parade this year we need entries so please call Tara at 760-6070 as soon as possible.

I finally got around to reporting the winners of the Lions annual 5K Fun Run that was held on May 28. We had 17 runners in the 5K and five in the Fun Run. The weather was great.

Trophies given out were first, second, third and fourth place men and women and Top 4 Masters men or women. There were 5 medals awarded at the Fun Run. Trophies were sponsored by Skip Stinson’s Pond Supply of Roanoke. 

Winners were: Jerry Williams, Jr., first place, 19:51; Skip Stinson, second place 21:33; Gary Williams, first Masters, 24:50; Jeremy Penrod, third place, 35:08; Jim Conroy, fourth place, 46:46.

Ali Riley, first place, 21:26; Elizabeth DeYoung, second place, 24:54; Tamber Schorey, third place, 24:54; Nora Brock, fourth place, 26:58, Rachel Thomas, second Masters, 27:24; Amelia Penrod, fifth place, 35:06; Eva Greaves, sixth place,  37:02; Tamera Williams, fourth Masters, 46:43; Deb Blinn, eighth place, 46:44.

Fun Run: Taven Brock, first place, 9:00; Evelyn DeYoung, second place, 10:03; Jamison DeYoung, third place, 10:28; Lucas Greaves, fourth place, 13:39; Aiden Brock, fifth place, 15.19.

Eva Greaves, who placed seventh in the time among 10 lady runners, was only seven years old the day of the race. She was awarded a special trophy several days later and just happened it was delivered on her eighth birthday! Her mother says she loves to run and practices often.

Thanks to all our sponsors, participants, and the town for providing barricades.

Those Lions members helping were Herman and Ann Hans, Larry Herron, Melanie Martin, Melba Edwards, and Steve Keesler.

T-shirts will be delivered soon!