The coronavirus pandemic continued to affect the county’s criminal justice system in 2021.
Prosecutor Andy Carnall released his annual report at the end of February and the report showed the number of adult criminal cases filed (608) and the number of juvenile cases opened (36) both decreased from 2020, which saw 618 and 67 respectively.
“Again, 2021 was a very ‘different’ year due to COVID-19 and comparing numbers to previous years doesn’t lead to good statistical analysis,” Carnall explained in the report. “Our misdemeanor fillings are down and our felony fillings are relatively steady with some categories being too statistically low to provide analysis.”
According to the report, there were 253 felony cases filed in 2021 and 355 misdemeanor cases. Many cases contained multiple charges.
The most frequently filed cases include drug-related charges (327), operating while intoxicated (187), theft (64) and battery (60). There were also one robbery case, seven burglary cases, one murder or attempted murder case, one rape, two child molesting cases and five sexual misconduct with a minor cases.
“This office, following the state’s lead and in conjunction with the other pieces of the criminal justice system, is taking an evidenced-based approach to prosecution and sentencing,” Carnall said in the report. “Although this office remains focused on prosecution of those who violate the law, the office recognizes that reducing recidivism means more than just obtaining a conviction. We are working with the probation department, the community corrections department and other community providers to facilitate rehabilitation and treatment even while holding offenders accountable.”
Carnall also noted there were 995 child support cases handled, amounting to more than $2.86 million collected.
Meanwhile, Sheriff Scott Holliday and Jail Commander Karen Thompson recently finalized the Wells County Jail’s annual report for 2021, providing it to the county commissioners in late February.
Highlights from the report include:
• There were 915 total bookings into the facility with an average daily inmate population of 71.
• Some of the top charges include 476 possession/dealing drugs, 263 operating while intoxicated, 123 theft/conversion/burglary, 73 domestic battery or battery, and 50 public intoxication or minor in possession of alcohol.
• There were 797 jail incident reports filed, including 188 suicide/medical reports, one stun-gun deployment, 47 disruptive behavior incidents, 15 inmate altercations, 51 trafficking/contraband reports and 20 destroying jail property incidents. There were no attempted escapes and no in-custody deaths.
• Total medical costs last year exceeded $135,860.
• Paid overtime for jail staff accumulated to $18,336.61. Shortages were created due to paid days off, two military leaves and several quarantined from COVID-19.
• The facility is in need of six more full-time confinement officers. “Currently we have 19 full-time confinement officers, three central control officers and one transport officer,” the report said.
• In-person church services were suspended due to COVID-19, but “we have purchased smart TVs and are working with a local church to get flash drives to play services over the TV once they are installed,” the report said.