Not registered to vote? You have until Oct. 10

It’s no secret that Hoosier participation in elections is among the lowest in the nation and has been declining in comparison to...

For effective Congressional oversight, ask the right questions

One of the hardest things to watch as Congress has evolved over the past decade or more is the extent to which...

Permit-less carry handcuffs law officers

During the second quarter of this year, about one-fifth of the Madison County residents who applied for handgun permits were turned down...

What if?

What if we took seriously the reported test results for Indiana students that demonstrated a significant negative impact on reading and math...

We lack only the will to fix immigration

Immigration may be a difficult problem but that does not preclude a solution — that is, assuming there is the political will...

Indiana’s hospital monopolies are worsening

I gave testimony this week in front of the state’s new Health Care Cost Oversight Task Force. The commitee had asked me...

Supply chain pressure is easing, and so is inflation

Inflation is falling, and we’re not in recession. How can that be? The 12-month inflation rate began to rise...

An ode to the Indiana State Fair (without the rhyming)

I know it’s the end of summer and kids are headed back to school. But if you have one more hurrah in...

Indiana is becoming an abortion restriction island

Indiana is turning into an abortion island. Girded by gerrymandered General Assembly maps, along with an anemic...

The honorable Mr. Pence

Mike Pence, after about seven years of campaigning with Donald Trump, serving with Trump, and showing as...