Congress has a lot to accomplish in a short time. Don’t expect much.
Congress went back into session after its summer recess on Sept. 9 with a full plate of...
Potatoes of yesterday, today, and the future
Bluffton Free Street Fair vendors offer a variety of items boiled in liquid fat. Meat. Pastries. Cheese....
Never underestimate word-of-mouth marketing
Each August or September, friend and fellow News-Banner columnist Chet Baumgartner and I make a trip to Ball State to visit our...
Lessons from a Congressional run
We have lost the art of thoughtful debate.
Every time I heard this question “Do you support Donald Trump?”...
Of mice and men and girlies and street fairs
Somewhere along the line, I seem to have garnered a reputation of not being a Street Fair fan. Not sure why, but...
Horrible memories of a horrible day
Sept. 11 anniversaries seem to come around faster and faster every year. For no apparent reason this one hit harder than most.
Angelkeep Journals: Paper wasps and pollen balls
What does a honeybee do with pollen it collects for transporting back to the hive? It sticks it to its legs until...
Letter to the Editor: All politics are local
I totally agree with Holly Gaskill’s comments about the deterioration of some board meetings. These meetings are public forums and should be...
Maybe Congress isn’t as bad as it seems
If you’ve followed media coverage of Congress over the past few years, it’s been hard to escape two impressions: Not much gets...
The perfect cure for the Labor Day Blues
Labor Day weekend is usually a melancholy experience. The end of another summer and here we go … sweaters and coats will...