The transparency failure is bad; the excuses are worse

The failure of nearly all members of the St. Joseph County Council to turn over emails and...

Letters to the Editor: Don’t be spiritually homeless

Members of our community suffered a tragedy Thursday with the loss of Capri Meadows Apartments. Mr. Fred Rogers said, “When something bad...

Trump didn’t cause the Ukraine war

More than a year into the Biden presidency, Vladimir Putin has invaded a sovereign neighboring country and,...

Classic political speeches on Indiana soil

With the advent of war comes great prose. Just as May 1940 found Prime Minister Winston Churchill...

Being tax-friendly isn’t enough for Indiana to compete

Eli Lilly and Co. CEO David Ricks sparked conversation last week when he said during a talk...

‘Do something.’ Here are a few suggestions

Undoubtedly, the hardest columns to write for these Saturday morning spaces come in the aftermath of heart-wrenching...

Open Door Law applies to county public agencies

Employees of Madison County government, notably those in planning departments, should start taking Anderson resident Sean Smith...

A sidewalk story: hitting the ground writing

Holly Gaskill A few weeks ago, Doug Brown and Dave Shultz spent part of their morning singing the...

The controversy that wasn’t and other random thoughts

What an interesting few days we had earlier this week.  I was as surprised...