Monday, March 10, 2025

Trump didn’t cause the Ukraine war

More than a year into the Biden presidency, Vladimir Putin has invaded a sovereign neighboring country and,...

Prom Dress Exchange a win/win

How amazing it can be to find a prom dress for $10 and then know that the proceeds from that sale will...

There are ways Hoosiers can help Ukrainians

Elkhart resident Nelya Novachenko told The Goshen News she had been calling her mother “pretty much every couple of hours” since Russian...

Hooking up to sewer line may be an option

Just received word that if you live on a new installed line running from one location to...

Women’s lengthy journey is far from being over

This is Women’s History Month, and as we celebrate the accomplishments of women, we need to think...

Approaching Putin’s nuclear brink

About every 80 years since the American Revolution began in 1776, there have been decisive pivot points...

A morally weak Biden invites Putin’s advances

I wrote last week about the collapse of the Soviet Union as result of the strength, moral...

The things we take for granted — like flushing the toilet

The last time I wrote about the Regional Sewer District, which was a number of years ago...

What would you love to tell your younger self?

A handful of longtime readers may remember when I announced that “baby boy Tyree” was on his...

Wanted: A truth-in-legislation act

The Indiana Senate recently demonstrated what seemed to be a prime example of legislative thuggery in action.