The Russian invasion threat is personal for Indiana’s Rep. Spartz

For Noblesville’s U.S. Rep. Victoria Spartz, the poised Russian invasion of her native Ukraine is, well, personal.

Raskin — Biden’s latest anti-freedom nominee

With all the attention directed to President Joe Biden’s commitment to nominate a Black woman to replace retiring Associate Justice Stephen Breyer...

Free speech, school rules and tax assessments

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall understand...

Show teachers respect, not stifle them with H.B. 1134

Teachers just never seem to catch a break. Even though most of them go above and beyond to provide our children the...

Angelkeep Valentine, bee mine

Valentine’s Day fast approaches again. Preliminary plans on the part of this Angelkeep Journals’ writer prevail once...

Run for office? That’s the ticket!

Over the past year, many people have approached me about running for high office at either the...

‘Snow Days’ — only a memory now

Because I am an old man, snow scares me. Sometimes, I think it is downright evil.

Spotify shouldn’t accept the premises of the cancelers

There have been many unpleasant paid jobs throughout history, from executioner to leech collector to nitpicker. Now,...

Everybody (almost) is getting CRT wrong

In 2020, the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., included so-called whiteness traits in its “Talking About Race”...

Three months to prepare for a 13-mile trip around Indy

February is always an exciting month for me, one in which I find myself more chipper and...