The answer to Putin (and climate change) in plain sight

Imagine for a moment that Russian President Vladimir Putin had used different tactics. Imagine that Putin had...

Words worth remembering, even if they’re impolite

Oh, how coarse our language has become, says the guy who studied for the ministry and has...

Zelensky transforms Germany — and Europe

At the end of the first week since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and Kyiv, and even...

Return of the ‘evil empire’

Regardless of what any American feels about what steps we should take in response to Russian President...

Trying to have some impact — locally and globally

Two weeks ago in this space, two local ladies were recognized for the difference they made in...

Don’t you just love laundry day?

I despise airing my dirty laundry in public, but I’ll make an exception for kvetching about my...

Who owns the history?

The Kokomo Tribune has published a fascinating story about teachers-in-training at Indiana State University and their nearly...

Some Hoosier connections to a valiant Ukraine

By the time this is published, Kyiv may have fallen. But Ukraine’s comedian turned President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy,...

WWD: ‘Wondering What Dat is?”

The headline “WWD” intentionally tried to draw you into this story. No, it’s not about WW, or...

Is it spring already? My sinuses would appreciate it

For as long as I can remember I’ve had sensitive sinuses. In elementary school...