The controversy that wasn’t and other random thoughts
What an interesting few days we had earlier this week.
I was as surprised...
Angelkeep missed the wedding ceremony
Angelkeep kept track and photographed the process of eggs being added to wren nests throughout the summer....
The military trust gap
After a year and a half of trying to balance full-time college with full-time work, I had...
It’s quality of life, not cost of living
Simple economic ideas aren’t really very hard to understand. So, I’m often puzzled to hear folks make...
This year’s fair will be sweeter than ever
You don’t need a calendar to know what event is almost upon us.
Adventures from the parking lots of Indiana and America
There is a series of videos on YouTube about the Cart Narcs. These are people who chase...
No one’s happy. That might be a good sign.
Since stepping out of my comfort zone several weeks back and writing about the difficult topic of...
The lesson of Fort Wayne’s Bowser pump
Two pictures of Indiana.
The first picture, from the past.
M*A*S*H, Maude and Kung Fu all turn 50
I didn’t watch all of them from the very beginning, but several significant TV shows debuted in...
‘Free’ is not all it’s cracker jacked up to be
Animals visiting Angelkeep roved free. Free to come and go, free to roam. Free to eat, drink...