Monday, March 10, 2025

Christmas traditions come to the rescue

Last week I was stuck in Struggleville, trying to find the Christmas spirit. I...

Christmas ‘In Person’

In our day, there are many ways to communicate that don’t involve face to face, in-person contact....

How a Russian composer took over American Christmas

It takes some doing in this country to be more than about 25 miles from a production...

Angelkeep: Have a metaphorically Holly Christmas

The ground beneath Angelkeep’s pin oaks remained littered with autumn’s leaves. Now they become winter’s leaves. The season arrived yesterday. 

Seams between seasons

While there may not be proper snow on the ground (yet), winter is here. 

What the 2022 election tells us

There’s great uncertainty on Capitol Hill these days, as ambitious politicians maneuver for advantage in the newly reshaped House and the Senate...

A timeless lesson from old Fezziwig about spreading joy

As we walked into the Indiana Repertory Theatre, a few glowing lanterns were shining just enough to create some shadows on the...

As Christmas draws nearer, the birth of the Christ child properly takes center stage

Today is Dec. 19 — six days before Christmas. Somebody wrote something that popped up in my email, saying one in every...

Finally, perhaps some final taxing thoughts … at least for this year

Well.  It is presumed that if you’re reading this, you have at least glanced...

Braun, Young and Pence should rebuke Trump

Former President Donald Trump says and does so many outlandish things that it has become tempting to just ignore him. With his...