Sunday, March 9, 2025

Navigating the cultural wars, part 2

Last week’s lengthy entry will be followed up with a much briefer, visual version this week. Being out of town for a...

Does a vote for Trump equal a vote for Biden?

Now that Donald Trump has been federally indicted, will he remain the Republican nominee frontrunner? Hard to predict at...

Angelkeep Journals: An olde father’s reflections on Father’s Day

Father’s Day has diminished in importance over the years. It happened as a generational thing, no doubt.  Back in...

This is how divided government should work

Before the memory of the recent debt ceiling negotiations disappears and we confront the next new drama in Washington, let’s pause a...

A personal salute to Flag Day

It’s long past time for me to put a flagpole in the center of my front yard...

What Mike Pence must do to even have a chance

Mike Pence jumped into the Republican presidential race Wednesday, banking on the fact that Americans will unite behind a different kind of...

Increasing importance of summer jobs for students

The school year is winding down and high school and college students alike are looking for summer jobs or internships. In some...

Navigating the culture wars: Who has the playbook?

I’ve been struggling with this — betting you have, too. So I found it heartening to read this sentence in a commentary...

Angelkeep Journals: Surprise-Surprise! Iris!

“Surprise” was analogous to Angelkeep. The word and name go hand-in-hand as appropriately as peanut butter and jelly, ham and eggs, or...

HIPAA rules confuse Hoosiers

Recent cases in Indiana have revealed the inconsistent and hard-to-decipher rules protecting patient records under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act...