Monday, March 10, 2025

Carrion brings visitors to Angelkeep

Robinson Crusoe killed a bird for dinner only to call its flesh carrion and “fit for nothing.” Shakespeare wrote “That this foul...

Our cultural gender issues: The triumph of error

How did we ever get to this point? And so quickly? I routinely try to ignore national news channels...

New labor market data is eye opening but under used

It does not sound very exciting, but the past 25 years have seen an explosion of new data about jobs, wages and...

Stormy weather sets a prelude to mark a 20th anniversary

Last week’s storm basically relocated our patio about 40 feet or so to the north. Well, not the patio — concrete doesn’t...

Angelkeep Journals: Summer’s first full day, and who to expect

A hearty warm summer welcome from Angelkeep. In case you missed it, yesterday summer began, but today became the first full day...

Does anyone care about justice anymore?

Against my better judgment I have followed some of the news about President Donald Trump’s indictment. I’m not a lawyer and have...

The future comes to lunch

The couple at the table next to mine converses, naturally, in French, the official language of Quebec. The people...

Let’s honor those who have protected Indiana’s natural places through conservation

Among the many ways that Len Betley, who passed away late last year, made a difference in Indiana was through his drive...

‘The attention span of a gnat.’ I take objection to that.

It was a discussion about Major League Baseball’s attempts to speed up the game.

Remembering Jim Harris

We are writing to thank the News-Banner, and especially Mark Miller, for the articles published on Memorial Day weekend remembering our brother...