Angelkeep Journals: The continuing tale of ‘daring jumping spider’
After writing 873 previous Anglkeep Journals columns, there stood a likely prospect that a jumping spider had been the focus of a...
Travel lets us carry the beautiful with us every day
“Traveling — it leaves you speechless then turns you into a storyteller.”
Medieval Moroccan scholar and author Ibn Battuta...
Vacationing with Donald Trump
Larisa and I have been preparing for a much-needed vacation. I’ve been staring at a pretty hectic work schedule leading up to...
Wrapping up Round 3 — with more questions, of course
While reading an opinion piece last weekend about a totally unrelated topic — trying to clear out some property tax cobwebs —...
Distracted drivers downright distressing
Last week’s summer solstice — the longest day of the year — marked the official beginning of a new season. It’s one...
The perfect cure for the Labor Day Blues
Labor Day weekend is usually a melancholy experience. The end of another summer and here we go … sweaters and coats will...
Soldiering on with some post-election blues
Well, it is not like I can write and pretend the election did not take place. Obviously, I was disappointed (understatement) in...
Two ladies who helped make a difference
Wells County lost a couple unique ladies this past week, both of whom made a significant impact...
Enjoying an early spring day at Ouabache State Park
Sunday was a beautiful day to get outdoors and enjoy a statewide special at Ouabache State Park.
Bumblebees: the birds with hot feet
Little Margaret, daughter of Wells County Deputy Sheriff Charles Pierce, may not have been the county’s most...