Saturday, December 21, 2024

Ramblings of an Angelkeep 70-something

“Your shoes are untied,” Mom said every April Fools’ Day. The day fell this year on Friday...

Overactive scam-o-meter becoming the new norm

I was browsing some headlines last month when one about the number of fraud cases that U.S. consumers reported in 2021 caught...

A moving experience

As the ravages of age and a chronic disease (diabetes, which produces neuropathy) have progressed, walking has...

Letters to the Editor: Commissioners respond to threat of lawsuit

The Wells County Commissioners wish to inform the public on a potential development relating to the sale of the county farm at...

He said he had a picture but there was no story behind it. Well...

Word had come that Jerry Hook had found an old picture that he thought I might find...

Taking in local entertainment options on a busy weekend

Saturday was a busy day in Bluffton. There was a selection of activities to...

The things we take for granted — like flushing the toilet

The last time I wrote about the Regional Sewer District, which was a number of years ago...

Hiking around Angelpond

The winter will soon be past. Days that remain cool are yet balmy bliss compared to some...

A look at recent disapproval of a matter that isn’t new

More than a year ago — on Jan. 27, 2021. But who’s counting? That’s...

Cameras or no cameras? Politics or principle?

 Private business cameras or public sector cameras? Home entrance cameras or entrance to city cameras? Citizen views or political party views?