Angelkeep Journals: The season of white-on-neutral

Today’s the 25th. ‘Tis the month after Christmas and all through the house, not a creature is stirring, not even my spouse....

Aiming for a little less screen time in 2024

The white Christmas that many of us hoped for in northeast Indiana arrived a few weeks too late and has certainly caused...

The modern ways of the media. But…

This is a rant about paywalls. You are reading it behind a paywall. But. Some paywalls are necessary. Some...

Vacationing with Donald Trump

Larisa and I have been preparing for a much-needed vacation. I’ve been staring at a pretty hectic work schedule leading up to...

Angelkeep Journals: Locust Borer: Yay or nay?

Last week’s Angelkeep Journals column highlighted ash trees that had suffered now for years and lost or were losing the battle against...

Three memorable days in the southwest with an unfortunate ending

Less than two weeks ago we were feeling chilly as we quickly walked across campus so that we would arrive to the...

Angelkeep Journals: Angelkeep ash, Deam ash, dead ash

Once upon a time Angelkeep had a pair of twin ash trees. Before Angelkeep even had been assigned a name, an excavated...

No way to end a year. Way.

According to my calendar, the last week of the year begins on Christmas Day, the seventh-to-last day of the year.

Angelkeep ‘rap sheet’ for 2023 past

Angelkeep received an Easter, Autumn, several Christmas, and a couple New Year’s Letters. We like the reads. A “catch up” time. Most...

New Year’s traditions from near and far

Learning about different cultures and their traditions while visiting new places has always fascinated me. It was one of...