Don’t you just love those state welcome centers?

My family made a recent day trip to a neighboring state, so I decided this week’s column...

Vampire or night owl? A preschooler’s perspective.

Carrie Penrod My nephew thinks I’m a vampire.  For those of you following along, Whitley,...

And I don’t even know its name.

Treks around Angelpond are quite common in months not named January or February. The walk, alone, while not long, takes a good...

Still searching for the Christmas spirit

It has been tough to get into the Christmas spirit this year. I’ve had...

A new or old Angelkeep feathered friend?

“What’s that bird?” asked a visiting family member usually so in tune with nature that he was typically one to go to...

Are you the oppressor or the oppressed?

It’s not unusual for someone to ask where I come up with some of the topics for...

Did Dickens have me in mind with the opening of his book?

I had to read Charles Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities” when I was a student. Elementary school, junior high school, or...

An intriguing threesome: Reality, reality, fantasy

Maybe there is something to this “things happen in threes” thing. My skepticism of the topic has been expressed before in this...

Life lessons from Thing One and Thing Two

Holly Gaskill I tend to be a creature of habit.  Depending on your perspective of...

Mother’s Day without Mom doesn’t get easier, does it?

I understand that Mother’s Day carries more of an emotional wallop than Father’s Day does. I get...