Taxing questions during a taxing time taxes my brain

The news can be taxing enough these days — between Ukraine and Russia and China and inflation...

Phantom midge caught on camera

Angelkeep Journals devoted content most weeks to wildlife, both flora and fauna. The exciting thing about nature...

A conversation starter about grief, closure, new starts

The thought of sharing a March 14 essay on grief and a thank you that I posted...

It wouldn’t be Madness without a busted bracket

Busted. Kaput Wrecked. It’s the time of the...

Let’s consider time, says the guy who lives with deadlines

Time, time time, see what’s become of me While I looked around for my possibilities I...

Are you the oppressor or the oppressed?

It’s not unusual for someone to ask where I come up with some of the topics for...

Are you the oppressor or the oppressed?

It’s not unusual for someone to ask where I come up with some of the topics for...

St. Paddy, Angelkeep, and Clover City

Back in the day, if you didn’t show the wearin’ o’ the green in school, you would...

Taking in local entertainment options on a busy weekend

Saturday was a busy day in Bluffton. There was a selection of activities to...

The things we take for granted — like flushing the toilet

The last time I wrote about the Regional Sewer District, which was a number of years ago...