Monday, March 10, 2025

A year of progress for Wells County’s ‘A-Team’

It didn’t make the “Top 10” local news stories list for 2022, but it deserves an update and review.

George Santos, the wolf in sheep’s clothing

It’s the train wreck that I can’t stop staring at. There has been an avalanche of national news since...

And I don’t even know its name.

Treks around Angelpond are quite common in months not named January or February. The walk, alone, while not long, takes a good...

A morning in Paris followed by lunch in South America

It took about 90 minutes on Friday to be immersed in the culture of Paris and then 10 more minutes to enjoy...

Some year-end puzzles, concerns and encouragements

It’s that time of year when columnists and news people make lists. Or make predictions. I predict there will be more lists.

Angelkeep: How will you spend the winter?

Winter officially came prior to Christmas. Today it became over a week old. If you didn’t already create plans for winter survival,...

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men

In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be enrolled. This was the first enrollment,...

Learning from the best: Dickens digressed

My mother would know, but she’s no longer around to ask. I’ve been doing this particular part of the...

Christmas traditions come to the rescue

Last week I was stuck in Struggleville, trying to find the Christmas spirit. I...

Angelkeep: Have a metaphorically Holly Christmas

The ground beneath Angelkeep’s pin oaks remained littered with autumn’s leaves. Now they become winter’s leaves. The season arrived yesterday.