Angelkeep Journals: ‘Curiouser and curiouser’

Angelkeep Journals tips the Mad Hatter’s hat to Lewis Carroll, the author something of an inspiration for this column. A tip of...

Anatomy of a Nikki Haley voter

Nikki Haley received roughly 22% of the vote in the Indiana Primary earlier this month.  I was one of...

Celebrating a special group of professionals this May

“What’s your favorite word, Señor?” One of my students asked me that question last fall as we were wrapping...

‘Earn this … earn it.’

A year ago, after writing a story about a local family’s loss, my intent had been to make that an annual project:...

Angelkeep Journals: Tall bearded iris ground zero for six continents

Angelkeep possesses a black thumb when it comes to a perfect iris garden. The fault cannot be passed off to the plants....

Memorable mistake makes magnificent memories

Last Friday was a busy day. I was looking forward to crawling in my bed at the end of the night and...

A quick response stopped a California criminal

The meeting that I was leading two weeks ago had only started about 10 minutes earlier when I heard my phone vibrate...

Angelkeep Journals: Hooded merganser times two and times three

It took a decade, times two, for the first appearance of a hooded merganser on Angelpond. They arrive as an unmistakable bird,...

Still on a mission to see the Northern Lights

It seems that my bucket list grows by a few lines each year — a bit faster than I can keep up...

Grant Bucher: ‘I think we made some ripples in the pond.’

This being the Saturday after an election, there is something in my genes that compels me to share some observations. This year’s...