Does a vote for Trump equal a vote for Biden?
Now that Donald Trump has been federally indicted, will he remain the Republican nominee frontrunner?
Hard to predict at...
Angelkeep Journals: An olde father’s reflections on Father’s Day
Father’s Day has diminished in importance over the years. It happened as a generational thing, no doubt.
Back in...
Navigating the culture wars: Who has the playbook?
I’ve been struggling with this — betting you have, too. So I found it heartening to read this sentence in a commentary...
Angelkeep Journals: Surprise-Surprise! Iris!
“Surprise” was analogous to Angelkeep. The word and name go hand-in-hand as appropriately as peanut butter and jelly, ham and eggs, or...
Angel Keep Journals: Black walnut blossoms and nuts and nut lovers
It appears some nut lovers are busy looking for the finest trees, the choicest limbs, and probably marking them in some way...
-30- for a few weeks for an African adventure
The label “-30-” is one of journalism’s oldest, as reporters used to write that number at the end of an article to...
Honoring a remarkable loss for a remarkable family
If you are not a first-time visitor to this Saturday spot, you have likely heard this before: What I’ve enjoyed most in...
A day to remember and honor
Memorial Day rolls around again and we will take the opportunity to enjoy a day with family; perhaps to fire up the...
Angelkeep Journals: Stuck on ‘Decoration Day’
Angelkeep remained old school. Decoration Day looms, and it’s a far cry between its intent and a reality of today. The former...
Pet peeves from a concerned cyclist
Now that cold weather is finally behind us the season of increased traffic on the Rivergreenway and Interurban Trails are going to...