Struggling to get out of a ‘do-nothing’ mode
There have been occasional thoughts the past several weeks about doing something — taking a walk, deciding where to eat supper or perhaps...
Angelkeep Journals: Versatile wood ash brings back memories
Some may have missed the fact that yesterday’s Valentine’s Day was also Ash Wednesday. For those aware it was possible to not...
The sovereignty of conscience
When should one’s conscience have the final say in a dilemma? Or must it answer to a higher authority? And if such...
Dinner with a rock star
Larisa and I were on vacation last week with our best friends. I hadn’t planned to write about it — 10 people...
Angelkeep Journal: What’s white, and white, and white all over?
It’s still early February so your answer to today’s Angelkeep question probably is “snow.” Good answer, but not the correct one if...
Putting off until tomorrow what I should have done today
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
That proverb has long been a part of our...
Angelkeep Journals: Awaiting the Hobomok Skipper
Groundhog-speak should have been the topic of today’s Angelkeep Journals’ enlightenment. After all, tomorrow, February 2nd, is the day all winter-loathers anticipate...
Angelkeep Journals: The season of white-on-neutral
Today’s the 25th. ‘Tis the month after Christmas and all through the house, not a creature is stirring, not even my spouse....
Aiming for a little less screen time in 2024
The white Christmas that many of us hoped for in northeast Indiana arrived a few weeks too late and has certainly caused...
The modern ways of the media. But…
This is a rant about paywalls. You are reading it behind a paywall.
But. Some paywalls are necessary. Some...