Thursday, March 13, 2025

Letters to the Editor: Make your vote count

Go Vote! Your vote counts. No matter what your politics are. If you are happy with everything going on...

Letters to the Editor: Are Housing TIF Districts a good thing for Wells County...

TIF stands for Tax Increment Financing District. The tax money that a TIF property originally collected still goes to the taxing authorities...

Letters to the Editor: Some school board lessons

After attending the PTO -sponsored school board forum and being a past two-term member of the Bluffton-Harrison School Board, I feel compelled...

Letters to the Editor: A ‘yes’ for Officer Stephanie

When you hear the name Officer Stephanie I’m sure one of two thoughts pop into your head, the Ossian cop that loves...

Letters to the Editor: Praise for the Getty concert

Psalms 22:3 says, “God is enthroned on the praises of His People.” His presence was powerful at the Keith and Kristyn Getty...

Thanks for the sidewalk

The Northern Wells Food Pantry wold liketo publicly thank the Ossian Town Board for the wonderful, smooth sidewalk in front of our...

Standing athwart history yelling ‘stop’

“Ours is to stand athwart history, yelling ‘Stop,’ at a time when no one is inclined to do so, or to have...

Letters to the Editor: A generous young man

I wish to thank the young man who left his change for me on the check out counter at Walmart between 3...

Letters to the Editor: Friendliness, or not

I recently had a garage sale with a lifelong friend. We said “hello” to every person that came and people were so...

A Scout looking for more

I am a Scout from Troop 149. I enjoy being a Scout because my friends and I have fun. We went to...