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Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: A letter to the community of Bluffton

We are writing to you as residents and/or property owners of River Road in Bluffton, Indiana. We have all admired the Wabash...

Letter to the Editor: A case for solar on farmland

The topic of solar farms has caused a lot of vocalized opinions at meetings and there is certainly nothing wrong with that,...

Thanks for best sale ever

The Wells County Prom Dress Exchange completed its 14th year with a record 69 students signed in to shop and a total...

Christmas ‘In Person’

In our day, there are many ways to communicate that don’t involve face to face, in-person contact....

Letter to the Editor: Health First Indiana but not in Wells County

Why would a county choose to deny their population $320,548 that would benefit public health? That same county is going to also...

Hooking up to sewer line may be an option

Just received word that if you live on a new installed line running from one location to...

We need a better bypass plan.

On a Facebook post about the bypass, someone recently said, “why are people afraid of new ideas?” I’m not afraid of new...

Letters to the Editor: Ossian bypass concerns

The bypass around Ossian is for housing developers to move in and cash in. A four-lane road around Ossian...

Doesn’t appreciate the comments

I generally enjoy the paper, but I’ve noticed recently a change in the police notebook. I don’t find it necessary to add...

Former sheriff supports incumbent

I want to announce my support for Wells County Sheriff Scott Holliday’s bid for re-election.