Here’s the Thing: Time is a constant – don’t waste a single moment
These last few days I have heard several people say, “How can it be October?” and “What happened to September?” and a...
Here’s the Thing: A 50th year class reunion and a walk down memory lane
What do you recall of your high school days? Were you an athlete who has lots of sports memories? Were you in...
Submissions open for Women of Wells magazine
The News-Banner is seeking community submissions for its second-annual publication, Women of Wells. The magazine offers a special spotlight to share women’s...
Here’s the Thing: Ku Klux Klan – A fever in the heartland
In the early 1920s a resurgent Ku Klux Klan rose to prominence in Indiana. It is estimated that dues paying membership and...
Historical gifts for county’s museum
An antique cradle that was used by both the mother and grandmother of Wells county resident Opal Bernice Johnson Witzeman was...
Vera Cruz history book added to library’s info of Wells County
A just off the press hard-cover book about the early history of Wells County’s Vera Cruz...
Here’s the Thing: Chief Joseph’s broken heart and what we can learn from it
Learn it, heed it, acknowledge it and we may not have to repeat it.
And then there is Chief...
Anniversary: Gerald and Ruth Moreland
Gerald and Ruth Moreland will be celebrating 60 years of marriage on Friday, August 30. They were...
Here’s the Thing: As I age, a long list of infirmities are a badge...
So, how are you doing?
“Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age...