Here’s the Thing: Another look back at 1974 – The economy, politics, and weather
Last month, following my 50th year class reunion, I wrote about 1974, the year 200 other seniors and I were graduated from...
It’s amazing where an overheard conversation can take us
I was standing in the line at the grocery, leaning on my cart, glancing to the left...
Here’s the Thing: Love-hate relationships; we all have them
Did you ever have a love-hate relationship with something? A situation where something produces the warm fuzzies with the shear mention of...
Time to Take a Devotional Break: Standing in the Kingdom
Advent reminds us of God fulfilling His plan to connect with lost mankind. The Old Testament documented multiple promises that a Messiah...
Sponsor for teen night
Thanks to a $200 check from the members of Beta Phi chapter of Tri Kappa the “Teen Nights” at the Wells...
Here’s the Thing: Fear of failure keeps people from making decisions
I would sit at my desk and look out over my classroom and watch as my students would attack a test with...
2 represent local chapter at SPG convention
Pam Tuttle, left, and Mara Jo Williams attended the Sigma Phi Gamma International Sorority’s annual meeting. (Photo provided)
Summer gas prices
As you make your plans for this summer and for the July 4th holiday, you might also...
Karaoke winners at The Garage
Molly Leitner, left, and Karisma Durst tied for first place Thursday evening in a karaoke contest held at The Garage youth...
B&G Club holds ‘Making A Difference’ event
After several cancellations and date changes the Wells Community Boys & Girls Club’s 5th Annual Banquet...