Here’s the Thing: Fear of failure keeps people from making decisions

I would sit at my desk and look out over my classroom and watch as my students would attack a test with...

Summer gas prices

As you make your plans for this summer and for the July 4th holiday, you might also...

As 2022 begins, here’s some resolutions to keep

It has become a kind of tired truism that just about no one keeps their resolutions going...

Funny Things Kids Say: We don’t tire of our children

I had the pleasure of attending the Valentine’s Concert at the Community Learning Center in Kendallville Sunday...

What will this Easter Sunday look like in Ukraine?

More than 300 dead in one strike! The word “CHILDREN” painted in large Cyrillic letters on the...

Funny Things Kids Say: Songs, sneezes, stickers, smiles …

Anne’s two youngest demanded that she sing the “Sino” song to them. They insisted that it was...

Funny Things Kids Say: Help is where the heart is

Cathy was talking with her daughter-in-law, Megan, who lives in Australia. Megan shared a story about Thomas,...

Five Generations of Bennetts

The family of Harriett Bennett had five generations together at a recent family reunion. From left, son...

Funny Things Kids Say: Magical moments live on

Linda McCoy of Albion shared with me recently some wonderful stories involving their great-granddaughter Sutton, 4.