When you’re not thinking about anything, what are you thinking?
Sometimes when the skies are gray for an extended period of time, my thoughts journey into a...
Her hip may have broken, but not her gratitude
Feb. 3 used to be just a day in the shortest month of the year. This year...
Funny Things Kids Say: We don’t tire of our children
I had the pleasure of attending the Valentine’s Concert at the Community Learning Center in Kendallville Sunday...
NHS Student Spotlight nominees
Four students — from left, Jacob Klitz, Matthew Kraft, Cody Dunnuck and Kale Meredith — are the Student Spotlight nominees...
NHS Student Spotlight nominees
Four students — from left Cora Heaston, Bobby Kwandrans, Timothy Bonjour and Jacquelyn Mayer — are the Student Spotlight nominees...
Dashed dreams; or, how I lost my sole at church
My son-in-law’s father died, and I prepared to attend the funeral. It was in Fort Wayne, and...
Science literacy: Ignoring science exacts a price
These are heady times for old biology teachers. Every day, news reports inform us of discoveries and...
Several children recently completed the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Program at the Wells County Public Library by reading and listening to...
Challenging + unavoidable = X. That’s a critical equation.
I invite you to think about an issue with me. The issue surfaced for me when my...
Zanesville News: 01-10-2022
This morning is the first Wednesday of the month and the wind is howling fiercely outside. At...