A Joyful Noise: Weeding the Heart

Whenever summer begins, I naturally think about the fall. “Cursed is the ground for your sake … Both thorns...

Time to Take a Devotional Break: Faith’s Warranty

“They don’t make ‘em like they used to.” You’ve probably said (or at least heard) this phrase at one...

Time to Take a Devotional Break: Rebels & Rule Followers

I’m a rule follower. I may talk big and occasionally do some crazy, spontaneous things, but at heart -...

A Joyful Noise: What a Day

Happy National Ballpoint Pen Day. Hungarian inventor Laszlo Biro patented the pen in Argentina on this day 80 years...

Time to Take a Devotional Break: Come & See

Our world seems to be overwhelmed with appeals by individuals trying to sell us things: a weight-loss program, make-up, clothing, health supplements,...

Time to Take a Devotional Break: Taking God at His Word

My father was a man of his word and a man of God’s Word. If dad made a promise, he kept it....

Time to Take a Devotional Break: When God Unexpectedly Shows up

If you are a living, breathing human being, I daresay you have felt disappointed by God at some point. Even if you...

Time to Take a Devotional Break: Redeeming the Darkness

Whether it’s the kitchen drawer held shut by a pesky soup ladle, that closet in the extra room, the backyard shed you’ve...

Time to Take a Devotional Break: Between Two Seasons

December 26th through January 1st is a strange time of year. The frenzy of Christmas preparations, travel, and celebrations...

A Joyful Noise: True Love – And Pizza

On the eve of Valentine’s Day — when Americans inexplicably conclude that those tiny candy hearts taste good...