A new monument in memory of Edward Bruce “E.B.” and Mary Williamson was unveiled at Bluffton’s Wabash River Park on Wednesday.

Pictured are Jerry Oswalt and the descendants of E.B. Williamson, who organized the Wabash River Park when it was originally built, with the new monument. From left to right is Oswalt, David Wilkins Jr., Tammy Cromie-Wilkins, and Sarah Stikeleather. (Photos by Holly Gaskill)

E.B. and Mary Williamson started the Longfield Iris Farm, located at the west edge of Bluffton, in 1918. Paul Cook, also included on the monument, later joined as a partner in hybridizing irises. 

The farm is renowned for its many varieties of irises, including the several planted in the Cook-Williamson Memorial Garden along the Rivergreenway. 

Bluffton Parks Department Superintendent Brandy Fiechter, right, shares about the efforts of Williamsons’ descendants to see the monument added to the memorial garden. Mayor John Whicker stands at left.

Great-grandchildren Tammy Cromie-Wilkins and David Wilkins Jr., as well as great-great-grandchild Sarah Stikeleather, attended the presentation on Wednesday. Mayor John Whicker celebrated the occasion with a declaration that the day, Oct. 16, would honor the legacy of E.B. and Mary Williamson and Paul Cook.

Alan Daughter discusses the history of the many E.B. Williamsons and Paul Cooks’ irises that originated in Wells County.

Alan Daugherty, who conducted extensive research on E.B. and Mary Williamson, spoke about the history of irises in Wells County; the garden was established 16 years ago to honor this history. Daugherty has detailed this history in his book, “Edward Bruce Williamson — a Bluffton History” which is available for a $35 donation to Loving Shepherd Ministries.