Three bids were accepted by the Board of Works — with an additional bid being opened — for various issues and projects including trash pickup, riverbank stabilization, downtown pathway maintenance and snow removal from parking lots.
Republic Services bid for trash and recycling pickup for four years, with rates starting at $20.22 per household in 2025 and rising to $23.41 per household in 2028. No other bids were received by the board, with mayor’s assistant Brenda Jackson reviewing Republic’s bid before an official decision.
The riverbank stabilization project for the Rivergreenway will be performed by Isch Excavating, who had the low bid at $145,000, almost $4,000 less than the next highest bid. Minnich Lawn Service was awarded both the downtown pathway maintenance and snow removal bids. Minnich’s prices are $37,900 per year for downtown pathway maintenance and $85 to $225 per parking lot cleared, depending on lot size and the amount of snow. Minnich will also charge a $100 hourly rate for snow removal.
A transfer of funds within the Animal Shelter’s budget was also approved. Police Chief Kyle Randall requested a transfer from various line items including office supplies, garage and motors, emergency animal care, communication and travel and training. The miscellaneous supplies line item will receive $1,500 and $2,200 will be appropriated to utilities. Randall noted that the Animal Shelter budget was completed in May of last year, and that the transfer was needed due to significant inflation last summer.
“We were caught behind the 8-ball with that,” Randall said. “If it was 2023 I think we would be OK.”
The board also approved a road closure request from Habbeger’s Ace to close down West Washington Street from Jersey to Indiana Streets. Habbeger’s is planning to do concrete work in the main lot area from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. on Wednesday. Street Commissioner Tim Simpson stated that he made the schools aware of the closure and that the closure is needed so trucks can have room to pump the concrete in.
A work change directive was approved by the board, with a 36-inch storm sewer underneath Bell Brook Court set to be lined. Utility Director Jon Oman stated that the $100,135 expense comes out of the work allowance for the project, leaving no cost to the city, and that the lining will help stave off pavement deterioration problems. The board also approved two SRF pay requests, totaling $45,376 to DLZ and $817,725 to James S. Jackson Construction for the wastewater plant project.