All about raptors

Visitors to the Wells County 4-H Fair could check out “raptors” at the Cabin as volunteers from the Soarin’ Hawk Raptors Rehabilitation Center brought four of them to the fair (Eastern Screech Owl, Kestrel, Barred Owl and a Red Tail Hawk). Above Cheryl Mudrack was explaining features of the Barred Owl named Peabody. (Photos by Barbara Barbieri)

At left is “Peabody,” a Barred Owl. On the right, Meet “Ryan,” a Red Tail Hawk being held by Steve Bonham.

Owl information

People interested in Owls attended the Thursday evening program at the 4-H Cabin during the recent 4-H Fair to learn all about them from Lydia Ade, Interpretive Naturalist at Ouabache State Park. She brought two stuffed owls with her as she told about their unique features which include: large eyes for better seeing, different ear heights for extra good hearing, beaks for tearing their food and fringed feathers for silent flying.