Ouabache State Park has been the schoolroom for 21 youth enrolled in the Junior and Teen Indiana Master Naturalist classes this past week, under the leadership of Jody Heaston, Indiana Master Naturalist Coordinator.

Junior and Teen Indiana Master Naturalist campers

With the assistance of volunteers from the Friends of Ouabache State Park the participants have had a variety of experiences including  fishing and boating on Kunkel Lake, hiking on the trails and learning about native plants and animals in the park. The campers also served as hosts for the June Lunch & Learn gathering at the Lodge by the Lake.

Eight campers were registered for the Junior program and 13 in the Teens program. The campers included Samuel Burfiend, Keren Ding, Ben Ding, Ethan Disbro, Jace Draper, Gabriel Fischer, Giovanni Fischer, Clayton Gentis, Cora Gentis, Laken Heaston, Amelia Heer, Landon Heer, Cid Hyder, Ben Hyder, Adali Hyder, Milo Kensell, Brigette Kern, Violet Larr, Harrison Larr, Braden Lemler, Veronica Lincoln, Arabella Lincoln, Coltin Lincoln, Klay Markley, Anna McBride, Wiley Rice, Kaitlyn Stafford, Everlee Stronczek, Jarie Stronczek and Raelynn Yardley. 

This was the ninth time the experience has been offered at Ouabache State Park.