Bluffton-Harrison school board will meet Monday

The board of the Bluffton-Harrison Metropolitan School District will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 14, in the school district’s administration building at 803 E. Harrison St. in Bluffton.

Topics on the agenda include:

• Consideration of financial matters.

• A report on Bluffton High School Next Level Programs of Study Report

• The superintendent’s and assistant superintendent’s reports.

• Legislative update.

• Middle school roof replacement and improvements projects.

• High school HVAC guaranteed energy savings project.

• Personnel matters.

• Review of policies on student lunch/meal account guidelines, review and second audit of free/reduced lunch applications, competitive foods policy, food sanitation program guidelines, and approval for school carry-in food guidelines.

• 2021 transfer listing.

• Sunday building utilization.

• Childcare handbook 2022-2023

• Declaration of voided checks.

• BHMSD Healthy Operations Plan.

• Resolution authorizing litigation against manufacturers, distributors, and sellers of electronic cigarettes and vaping products.

• Elementary student technology devices.

• Professional development speaker for the 2022-23 school year.

The board will  meet in executive sessioin immediately following the public meeting. During the executive session, which will be closed to the public, the board will discuss a job performance evaluation of individual employees.

Regional Sewer District board will meet Monday

The board of the Wells County Regional Sewer District will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 14, in Room 105, the multi-purpose room on the lower level of the Wells Carnegie Government Annex, 223 W. Washington St.

Topics on the agenda include:

• Discussion with Liz Stanley of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

• Superintendent’s report.

• Project status updates on Phase 1 (Liberty Center and Murray) and Phase 2 (Craigville). 

• Attorney’s report.

• Discussion of project financing, line of credit, and timeline.

Ossian Town Council will meet Monday evening

The Ossian Town Council will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 14, at Collier’s, 215 N. Jefferson St. in Ossian.

Topics on the agenda include:

• Reports from the Fire Department, Parks Board. and Police Commission.

• Final payment to Brooks Construction for the Industrial Parkway project.

• Award the contract for the Hickory/Shady Waterline Improvement project.

• Award the contract for the 2021-22 Community Crossings Matching Grant street improvement project.

• Consideration of an ordinance for additional appropriations to the Police Fund.

• Consideration of Rethceif tax abatement request.

• Consideration of Pena’s tax abatement request.

• Wells County Economic Development  annual report.

• Cancellation of warrants.

• Town website upgrade.

• Utility adjustments.

County Election Board will meet Tuesday afternoon

The Wells County Election Board will meet at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 15, in the clerk’s office in the Wells County Courthouse, 102 W. Market St.

Topics on the agenda include:

• Submission of affidavit of county voter registration officer’s voter list maintenance.

• Electronic means of communication resolution.

• Review sample ballots for the primary election.

Southern Wells school board will meet Tuesday

The board of the Southern Wells Community Schools will meet in an executive session at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 15, in the board room in the central office.

During the meeting, which will be closed to the public, the board will discuss matters associated with pending or potential litigation.

Bluffton Board of Works to meet Tuesday afternoon

The Bluffton Board of Public Works and Safety will meet at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 15, in the meeting room on the first floor of City Hall, 128 E. Market St.

Topics on the agenda include:

• A request for a pantry in the right of  way, brought to the board by the Department of Child Services office in Bluffton.

• A request for an amendment to the Community Re-Investment Program, brought to the board by Michael Lautzenheiser.

• A discussion about Parlor City Market, brought to the board by Audry Dudley of Bluffton NOW!

• A personnel matter, brought to the board by Brandy Fiechter of the Bluffton Parks and Recreation  Department.

• A personnel matter, brought to the board by Operations Manager Jon Oman.

• A personnel matter, brought to the board by Police Chief Kyle Randall.

• A request for a cleaning contract, brought to the board by Randall.

• A request to purchase, brought to the board by Randall.

There are three items of old business on the agenda — the Alleyway Project, the Fire Department insurance policy, and city standards.

Bluffton Common Council will meet Tuesday evening

The Bluffton Common Council will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 15, in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, 128 E. Market St.

Topics on the agenda include:

• Swearing in of firefighters.

• Bluffton NOW! update on alleyways maintenance .

• Introduction of a new sewer rate ordinance.

• A budget transfer, brought to the council by Police Chief Kyle Randall.

• An update, brought to the council by Kaleb Dienelt, the city’s information technology consultant.

Items of old business on the agenda include variances for Premier Flats and Parlor City Blufftons and maintenance for the Alleyways Project.

Markle Town Council will meet Wednesday evening

The Markle Town Council will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 16, in the Markle Town Hall, 197 E. Morse St. in Markle.

Topics on the agenda include:

• Election of officers.

• Appointment of a member to the Markle Board of Zoning Appeals.

• Reports from the town’s superintendent, assistant superintendent, town marshal, and clerk-treasurer.

County health board will meet Thursday morning

The board of the Wells County Health Department will meet at 6:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 17, in Room 105, the multi-purpose room on the lower level of the Wells Carnegie Government Annex, 223 W. Washington St.

 No agenda was available at press time.

County Election Board will hold public hearing Friday

The Wells County Election Board will hold a public hearing at 10 a.m. Friday, Feb.  18, in Room 105, the multi-purpose room on the lower level of the Wells Carnegie Government Annex, 223 W. Washington St.

The purpose of the meeting is to consider a challenge  to three candidates to the Republican state convention who have filed  for a spot on the primary ballot.