Are shorter legislative sessions coming to Indiana?

Indiana’s part-time legislature could work less under a provision inserted into the state budget giving flexibility on the length of future sessions.

Republicans aren’t disappearing — and may even be growing stronger

Reports of the death of the Republican Party continue to be premature.  You’ve heard...

What else needs a baseball pitch clock?

My brother, the former Babe Ruth Leaguer, remains deeply skeptical of Major League Baseball’s newly instituted pitch...

Politics, slow and steady

Today, let’ s pay tribute to one of history’s little known but highly influential figures: Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, a Roman statesman...

An extra bill and a half in state revenue

On April 19, 2023, in the Indiana Statehouse in the city of Indianapolis, one-point-five billion dollars appeared out of thin air. The...

How to make the most of the $1.5 billion ‘new’ money

The Legislature learned this week that state taxes will generate $1.5 billion more than expected through June 30, 2025, meaning lawmakers could...

A juxtaposition: Will the state quit spending?

Today’s entry for the “juxtaposition is everything” file: • Indiana lawmakers working on the new state budget have learned...

A cold shoulder for this alcohol proposal

With so many tense and emotional topics moving at the Statehouse, I want to focus this week on something we can all...

Working together to protect Hoosier students

If you watch politics right now, you are aware that finding something that Democrats and Republicans can agree on is nothing short...

Redefining the homestead

A bill flying under the radar would redefine what constitutes a homestead in terms of property taxes.  Changing the definition...