The blame game is our national pastime

Mark Franke Sure, things are bad or at least seem to be worse than any time in recent...

Mitch Daniels’ telling exit

Words matter to Mitch Daniels. They always have. The just-retired Purdue University president and former Indiana...

Artificial Intelligence: An interview with the future

According to the experts at IBM, AI — Artificial Intelligence — combines computer science and data to enable problem-solving. According to sci-fi...

The future comes to lunch

The couple at the table next to mine converses, naturally, in French, the official language of Quebec. The people...

Not registered to vote? You have until Oct. 10

It’s no secret that Hoosier participation in elections is among the lowest in the nation and has been declining in comparison to...

Now they are coming for our beer

Mark Franke The Apocalypse is at hand. And it was COVID which brought it about.

‘The ‘Quilhot bid’ — a calculated risk

I have a new phrase to add to your vocabulary and self-help guide: the Quilhot bid.

Local newspaper public notices keep the fox out of the henhouse

For years, legislatures across the country have been searching for any excuse to remove public notices from...

Preparing for the primaries

Res ipsa loquitur. That’s a useful Latin phrase meaning, “The thing speaks for itself.”

To see the future, look to the past

People consider me old fashioned, even medieval, in my thinking and outlook. I plead guilty.