Beware the control freaks, Mr. Musk

Should I be offended by the fact I never got kicked off Old Twitter?

Who is replacing what? Demography is not destiny

Let you in on a little secret: Non-European, non-white voters are flooding the polls, boosting prospects for...

Virtue’s disappearance in our public character

In 1993, William Bennett published an impressive anthology of essays, fables, poems and other writings titled “The...

Let Disney be an example

Just like that, tyranny has descended on Florida. The state legislature, with the support...

Approach Indiana tax cut with caution

Indiana is bursting at the seams with cash, so the General Assembly’s first instinct is to give it away.

GOP governor candidates need to move beyond federal issues

Five leading candidates are seeking the Republican nomination for Indiana governor in what promises to be the liveliest and most expensive GOP...

Wanted: A truth-in-legislation act

The Indiana Senate recently demonstrated what seemed to be a prime example of legislative thuggery in action.

Spotify shouldn’t accept the premises of the cancelers

There have been many unpleasant paid jobs throughout history, from executioner to leech collector to nitpicker. Now,...

We lack only the will to fix immigration

Immigration may be a difficult problem but that does not preclude a solution — that is, assuming there is the political will...

A shocking assault on the Supreme Court

Despite what you might have learned in high school civics, the Supreme Court really only has one...