Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Global focus on business vital to Indiana’s economy

It took two years longer than expected, but state officials pulled off an impressive Indiana Global Economic...

Why good investigative journalism matters

Recently, a couple of reporters at The New York Times published an intriguing story about conversations between...

INDOT plans for recharging boosts EVs

The increasing number of electric vehicles on Indiana roadways means a surge in the need to power...

Getting on the job versus getting the diploma

I did not go to college because I wanted to. I went first of...

To see the future, look to the past

People consider me old fashioned, even medieval, in my thinking and outlook. I plead guilty.

The missing element in the debate about guns

The heightened debate over gun violence following the massacre of 19 children and two teachers at Robb...

Sensationalizing tragedy while lost on solutions

Vietnam was the first war brought to our living rooms by television, so I always thought it...

Texas shooting: A failure of several levels

There are no adjectives that can accurately describe the gruesome act committed by 18-year-old Salvador Ramos at...

Homeowner property assessments keep rising

Every year about this time homeowners receive a Form 11 from their county assessor. It’s the notice...

Who is replacing what? Demography is not destiny

Let you in on a little secret: Non-European, non-white voters are flooding the polls, boosting prospects for...