Is it déjà vu or just a full brain?
Most of you have undoubtedly experienced déjà vu, that eerie sense that something you have never encountered...
The blame game is our national pastime
Mark Franke
Sure, things are bad or at least seem to be worse than any time in recent...
What does Rokita’s lawsuits cost Hoosier taxpayers?
Every time Attorney General Todd Rokita signs Indiana onto a lawsuit somewhere in the country or files a brief in a case...
Thoughts on a mayor’s arrest
Here’s how it happens.
You have a drink with your meal at a favorite...
Gambling is a fickle game. As is legislating it.
Suppose I told you I spend a lot of time putting out bids in hopes of winning...
Comments on Congress: More than ever, candidates’ skills matter
Now that spublic attention is turning to the mid-term elections, we know what the parties want us...
Online gambling is the next frontier for Indiana
My husband is addicted to this slot-machine game on his phone. Every day he makes sure to retrieve his bonuses and build...
Hey Congress, stop messing with my clocks
With the “fall back” clock change coming soon, one thing makes me especially grumpy and confused.
Residential subsidies should benefit entry-level buyers
Noble County and the rest of northeast Indiana needs more houses.
Government can play a supportive role in helping...
At IU Bloomington: Benton ‘No,’ Kinsey ‘Yes’
Go away, Thomas Benton. We don’t want your kind around here. Welcome, Alfred Kinsey. You are one...