Redefining the homestead

A bill flying under the radar would redefine what constitutes a homestead in terms of property taxes.  Changing the definition...

Some more insights on hospital monopolies

This is not a trick question. What do Harvard, Yale, Cal Berkeley, Princeton, the Rand Corporation, the London School of Economics, Carnegie...

Artificial Intelligence: An interview with the future

According to the experts at IBM, AI — Artificial Intelligence — combines computer science and data to enable problem-solving. According to sci-fi...

Welcome to the new, ‘improved,’ Reality Gap

There is a report from the Indiana University research salt mines that’s highly disturbing, although not for the reason you might initially...

Why trustworthiness matters in our democracy

Early this year, the Gallup organization came out with a survey of Americans on how they view the ethics of various professions....

An opposing view: ‘Here’s the real hospital data’

A commentary published last week included inappropriate and incorrect observations about some of Indiana’s finest health care institutions. Given the current debates...

Do you have one of those paranormal pillows?

Folks, “last one in is a rotten egg” applies to more than swimming pools. If you share sleeping quarters...

Here’s a tip: Ask a lot, get a lot

Several years ago, I finished a nice meal at one of my favorite restaurants and settled up with the waitress, someone new...

Calling out Indiana’s venture capital hospitals

Indiana has long had not-for-profit statutes that permit firms to operate free of taxes. The legislative language on the purpose of a...

Indiana property tax bills are increasing a lot in 2023

Indiana county treasurers soon will mail property tax bills to owners of homes, rental housing, farmland, and businesses. Most will see big...