Angelkeep Valentine, bee mine
Valentine’s Day fast approaches again. Preliminary plans on the part of this Angelkeep Journals’ writer prevail once...
Run for office? That’s the ticket!
Over the past year, many people have approached me about running for high office at either the...
‘Snow Days’ — only a memory now
Because I am an old man, snow scares me. Sometimes, I think it is downright evil.
Spotify shouldn’t accept the premises of the cancelers
There have been many unpleasant paid jobs throughout history, from executioner to leech collector to nitpicker. Now,...
Everybody (almost) is getting CRT wrong
In 2020, the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., included so-called whiteness traits in its “Talking About Race”...
Three months to prepare for a 13-mile trip around Indy
February is always an exciting month for me, one in which I find myself more chipper and...
The transparency failure is bad; the excuses are worse
The failure of nearly all members of the St. Joseph County Council to turn over emails and...
Surviving the telemegeddons about the snowmegeddon
I’ve always had mixed feelings about the weatherman. They all seem like nice guys and gals, but...
Approach Indiana tax cut with caution
Indiana is bursting at the seams with cash, so the General Assembly’s first instinct is to give it away.
Angelkeep procrastination vindicated
It’s somewhat hidden by its placement in front of the windows on the back side of the...