Education ‘reforms’ come at volatile time
Here’s a pop quiz: What do Richard Lugar, Joe Donnelly, Mike Braun, and Todd Huston have in...
Learning the lessons of Black history
February is Black History Month.Why do we need Black History Month? Why don’t we set aside special...
Two ladies who helped make a difference
Wells County lost a couple unique ladies this past week, both of whom made a significant impact...
The inquisition: Do you want your receipt?
Yes, receipts do seem to breed like rabbits in my poor overstuffed-with-credit-cards-and-gift-cards-and-loyalty-cards-and-hastily-scribbled-notes wallet.
Blue jays over the years
“The Simmons family was awakened early this morning by a fearful commotion among the hundreds of jay...
Zero tolerance for the word police
A white teacher in Chicago was fired recently for using the N-word in class.
Durham’s righteous investigation
From the perspective of several years ago, it’s the stuff of an implausible political thriller or a...
Whither now the Republican Party?
Mark Franke
“Whither thou goest, I will go.” — Ruth 1:16 KJV
At risk of...
Pre-K’s broken promise
“Children learning, parents earning!” That was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s summation of the case for the “comprehensive...
Some surprising lessons from COVID-19 learning loss
Last month, my colleague Dagney Faulk and I published a study on COVID-19-related learning loss in Indiana...