Letter to the Editor: Modern day vote buying

During elections in the early days of our country, less than honorable politicians would buy drinks at local taverns in exchange for...

Letter to the Editor: Thank you for saving the massive oak tree

A belated thanks to Gene Donaghy for his intercession with the electric company to save the oak tree just south of Ossian....

Letter to the Editor: No longer reading “Here’s the Thing”

If you are like me, I no longer read “Here’s the Thing.” We have heard for a long time now how underpaid...

Putting off until tomorrow what I should have done today

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. That proverb has long been a part of our...

Angelkeep Journals: Awaiting the Hobomok Skipper

Groundhog-speak should have been the topic of today’s Angelkeep Journals’ enlightenment. After all, tomorrow, February 2nd, is the day all winter-loathers anticipate...

Congress tests its own willingness to get things done

Back in mid-January, among people who pay attention to the state of American democracy, perhaps the most widely circulated quote from a...

Emergency powers debate is short-sighted and repetitive

It was like 2021 all over again in the Senate Tuesday. Senators made the same arguments about the emergency...

Angelkeep Journals: The season of white-on-neutral

Today’s the 25th. ‘Tis the month after Christmas and all through the house, not a creature is stirring, not even my spouse....

Aiming for a little less screen time in 2024

The white Christmas that many of us hoped for in northeast Indiana arrived a few weeks too late and has certainly caused...

The modern ways of the media. But…

This is a rant about paywalls. You are reading it behind a paywall. But. Some paywalls are necessary. Some...