Monday, March 10, 2025

Thankful for new and old technology this holiday season

The temperature outside doesn’t feel like Christmas is just a month away — a blessing that I’m...

Christmas music is often great music, but not always

I was starting to wonder where the Christmas music was. Then it wandered in and set up shop in Bluffton and it...

Embellishing on my thanks of being thankful

While I am thankful I get sentimental about this time each year, I can get a bit...

FTX and our pretend money

“According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration,” the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter “is home...

What’s your stance on leftovers?

“Do you mind if we have leftovers?” When my wife poses that question, I...

Giving thanks for those 59 Thanksgivings

Is the glass half empty or half full? In my experience it’s always been...

Indiana legislative study committees are study in pointlessness (and aren’t free)

A recent prosecutorial oversight committee could be the poster child for why Indiana doesn’t need Legislative Interim Study Committees.

What we’ll get for Christmas is a big old dose of stress

It’s that time of year when we have to take a look at our priorities — particularly...

Mike Pence: A man of integrity

If former Vice President Mike Pence is ever in need of a character witness, he could not...

Art reflects life: Cartoons display our divided nation

Not sure what exact year it was, but sometime after joining the News-Banner in 1997, I took...